What is Reiki anyway?
Reiki is a kind of holistic therapy that was based on the concept of Eastern energy flow with the conglomeration of seven chakras. Chakras are the energy centers in the human body. According to some of the therapy experts, the human body has seven focal points. The therapy of Reiki concentrates on those points.
Reiki was invented and formulated by some of the great Japanese healing teachers. The most influential among them is Mikao Usui. Around 1980, Usui incorporated the basic Reiki meditation techniques, beliefs, and symbols. Most of the techniques in this meditation therapy are considerably older.
The processes of this therapy are very distinctive compared to other forms of alternative meditation. Reiki meditation normally concentrates on self-healing, concentration, the five spiritual principles, and the accreditation of the healers through a process of initiation.
What are the primary principles of Reiki?
The main purpose of this therapy is to be able to heal emotional and spiritual flow. The other sub-purpose of this therapy is to gain physical stamina and resistance from the pain. This therapy can also transmit the flow of universal life energy called ki in Japanese. Most of the Reiki therapy teachers believe that ki flows through the universe, and the therapy connects the energy to the human body. Reiki can be used in healing animals as well as people.
The practice of self-healing by the Reiki healers is done through the placement of their hand in a traditional position, stimulating their own body energy. Reiki can also be practiced through group and distance healing. In group healing, there are two or more Reiki practitioners placing their hand over the body of the patient.
Distance or absence healing involves visualizing our patient through the Reiki symbol, seeing him or her healthy and happy.
I believe it is one of the most powerful and transformative tools available to us today. It helps people find inner peace, greater emotional stability and balance in their lives. It also allows for greater mental clarity, creativity and intuition., which ultimately leads to greater happiness and fulfillment.
There are so many different ways to experience Reiki: as a stand-alone treatment or as part of an energy healing session; alone or in a group.
Reiki is a beautiful way to reconnect with yourself and feel the magic of this ancient healing art. It is also very helpful for stress relief, pain management and overall well-being.
Have you ever tried Reiki? If not, I invite you to book a session with me!